Reshma, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2021). Examining the Effect of Entrepreneurial Competencies and Emotional Intelligence on the Firm Performance of Women Entrepreneurs. ANVESAK, 51 (1), pp. 195 – 201.
Reshma, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2021). New Age Competencies for Female Entrepreneurs: Do they Really Matter?The International Journal of Experimental and Modal Analysis, 13(8), pp.245- 265.
Reshma, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2020). Investigating the Role of Opportunity Competence and Emotional Intelligence in aiding The Firm Performance of Women Entrepreneurs. Sambodhi, 43(4), pp. 54 – 63.
Reshma, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2019). Emotional intelligence and learning agility to survive in the VUCA environment of Industry 4.0. Published in ICSSR conference proceedings (Seminar on Sustainable Business Approaches and Models for Industry 4.0. organized by PSGRKCW, September 3, 2019)
Reshma, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2019). Entrepreneurial Competencies a predictor of firm performance among the women entrepreneurs of Coimbatore city. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 6 (2), pp. 35-44.
Reshma, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2019). Emotional Intelligence and Resilience to embrace change during Industry 4.0. Asian journal of Multidimensional Research Special issue May 2019.
Reshma, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2018). Entrepreneurial intention and self-efficacy among the women students. QQRR International Journal
Priyadarshini, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2018). Influence of Organisational Politics on Psychological Capital. Journal of Management, 5 (6), 47-57
Priyadarshini, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2018). The Mediating Role of Work Engagement between Organizational Politics and Organizational Commitment. International Academic Journal of Business Management, 5(4),116-126
Sripirabaa, B. and Divya, A.S. (2017). Influence of Occupational Self-Efficacy and Job Crafting on Job Performance: A Study with Specific Reference to the Engineering Industry Employees in Coimbatore City. Common Wealth Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 4(10).
Divya, A.S. and Sripirabaa, B. (2017). Investigating the impact of Job Demands and Job Resources and Occupational self-efficacy on Job Performance. Researchers World – Journal of Arts and Science and Commerce, 8(4), 109-122.
Sripirabaa, B. and Divya, A.S. (2017). Influence of occupational self-efficacy, work meaningfulness and job crafting on job performance: a study with specific reference to the engineering industry employees in Coimbatore city. International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research, 6(11), 16-26.
Sripirabaa, B. and Benazir, Y. (2017). Depicting the Post-Graduation Engineering Students Approaches to Learning in the Coimbatore City. International Journal of Engineering Research and Management, 4(4), 23-29.
Sripirabaa, B. and Benazir, Y. (2016). Big Five Personality Traits Among Female Under Graduate Students With Specific Reference to Coimbatore City. International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research, 3(12), 4411-4422
Sripirabaa, B. and Manjula, M. (2016). Impact of Work Engagement on Work Performance among automobile sales employees in Coimbatore City. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, 1(30), 54-59.
Sripirabaa, B. and Manjula, M. (2016). Factors influencing Work Engagement among sales employees of Automobile Dealers in Coimbatore City. International Journal of Applied Research and Studies, 5(10), 32-42.
Sripirabaa, B. and Muthulakshmi, T. (2016). Factors affecting Employee Engagement in ITes Companies. EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review, 4(11), 88-95.
Sripirabaa, B. and Muthulakshmi, T. (2016). Factors affecting Innovation characteristics of employees in ITes Companies. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2(12), 2146-2153.
Priyanka, S. and Sripirabaa, B. (2016). Assessing the impact of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour on Intention to Stay among Bank Employees in Coimbatore District. Paripex – Indian Journal of Research, 5(4), 101-103.
Priyanka, S. and Sripirabaa, B. (2016). A study to assess the impact of Career Growth Prospects on OCB among Bank employees. International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research, 3(6), 2154-2165.
Priyanka, S. and Sripirabaa, B. (2016). Influence of Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A comparative study among Public and Private sector banks in Coimbatore City. PRERANA: Journal of Management Thought and Practice, 8(1), 41-58.
Sudhamaheswari, T. and Sripirabaa, B. (2015). Assessing the Impact of Individual Factors in Innovative Work Behaviour among Employees of Automotive Sector. European Journal of Commerce and Management Research, Special Issue 1, 99-204.
Sudhamaheswari, T. and Sripirabaa, B. (2015). Investigating the influence of Autonomy and Willingness to take risk on Individual Creativity among the Employees of Auto Component Manufacturing Organizations. SCMS Journal of Management, 12(4), 110-118.
Sudhamaheswari, T. and Sripirabaa, B. (2015). Influence of Innovative Self Efficacy and Innovative Climate on Individual Creativity: The Mediating Role of Supportive Environment. Gavesana Journal of Management, 7(1), 13-27.
Sripirabaa, B. (2015). HRCAP Score Grid: A Tool for Sustainable Development of HRM Function. Global Journal of Research in Management, 3(2), 15-26.
Vandana Madhavkumar and Sripirabaa, B. (2015). Job Pursuit Intentions of Gen Y MBA Students: The effects of Job and Organizational Attributes. The Great Lakes Herald, 9(1), 46-65.
Manjula, M. and Sripirabaa, B. (2015). Influence of the Personal factors – Work Skills and Work Engagement on Work Performance among the sales employees. European Journal of Commerce and Management Research, Special Issue 1, 264-271
Sripirabaa, B. Benazir, Y. Devipriya, V. (2014). Investigating The Competency Mapping Among The Operators In An Auto Component Organisation. International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research, 2(2), 368-375.
Sripirabaa, B. Vidyashree, M and Lakshmi, D (2014). A Study on the level of Multiple Intelligence among College Students in Coimbatore City. Journal of Applied Management Research, 3, (1), 5-14.
Sripirabaa, B. and Vandana Madhavkumar (2014). The effects of organisational reputation on organisational attractiveness. Karpagam Journal of Management, 1(1), 17-34.
Vandana Madhavkumar and Sripirabaa, B. (2013). Organizational Attractiveness and Job Attribute Preferences of Business Students. Gavesana Journal of Management of Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, 5(2).
Sripirabaa, B. and Krishnaveni, R. (2013). HRCAP Score GRID: A tool for Sustainable Development of HRM Function. Global Journal of Research in Management, 3(2), 15-26.
Subha, V. and Sripirabaa, B. (2013). A Study on Identifying the Employer Image Perceived by Employees in IT Sector. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research, 2(10), 19-22.
Sripirabaa, B. and Sarala, V. (2013). Antecedents of Employee Attractiveness and its Impact on Employee Attractiveness. Journal of Applied Management Research, 2(1), 38-52.
Sripirabaa, B. and Subha, V. (2013). Reliability of Employer Branding Structure with reference to IT Industry Employees. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3(1).
Sripirabaa, B. and Sudha Maheswari, T. (2012). Enhancement of the Capability of Management Educators through Capacity Building Process. KPR International Journal of Management, 1(1), 20-38.
Sripirabaa, B. and Sudha Maheswari, T. (2012). SSECAT: A Tool to Enhance the Capability of Educators. Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies, 4(1), 118-131.
Sripirabaa, B. and Sudha Maheswari, T. (2012). Enhancement of the Capability of Educators through Capacity Building Process. Gyan Management, 6(2), 34-49.
Sripirabaa, B. and Sridevi, K. (2010). An Investigation of the Training Practices in a Garment Manufacturing Unit. JIMS 8M Management Synergy, 15(1), 4-14.
Sripirabaa, B. and Muhilan, G. (2009). An Investigation into the HRD Effectiveness in a Textile Unit. Knowledge Hub –A reservoir of Knowledge, 5(2), 52-60.
Sripirabaa B. and Krishnaveni, R. (2009). HRCAP Score GRID: The Road to Good Recruitment and Selection Practices DOMAIN, 1(2), 23-30.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). CAPSCORE CARD – A Tool for Organizational Transformation. Delhi Business Review, 9(2), 27-38.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2007/2008). Evolution of Capacity Assessment Tools. AJBR Alliance Journal of Business Research, 4(1), 65-77.
Sripirabaa, B. and Mohasina, R. (2009). Investigating the Impact of Customer Relationship Marketing Practices on Satisfaction. BIFTs Journal of International Management and Research, 1(2), 35-53.
Sripirabaa, B. and Krishnaveni, R. (2009). Organizational Capacity Enhancement through HRCAP Score GRID. Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, 1(1), 126-148.
Sripirabaa, B. and Krishnaveni, R. (2009). Impact of Partnering and Financial Support on Performance Management System Function and Alignment. Management Research News, 32(10), 942-952.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2009). Human Resource Capacity Score GRID – A Tool for Human Resource Management Function Excellence. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2(2), 211-232.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). Capacity building as a tool for assessing training and development activity: an Indian case study. International Journal of Training and Development, 12(2), 121-134.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). HRCAP Score GRID – A Tool to Enhance Training and Development Capacity. Prestige International Journal of Management and Research, 1(1), 21-30.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). Capacity Building Process for Metamorphosis of Recruitment and Selection activity. Management and Change, 12, (1), 101-124.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). Capacity Building Process for Metamorphosis of Recruitment and Selection activity. Management and Change, 12, (1), 101-124.
Sripirabaa, B. and Krishnaveni, R. (2008). Organization Development through Mutual Consortium of Local Industries. Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, 3, (2), 49-58.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). Capacity Building Process for HR Excellence. Vision, 12(2), 1-14.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). Does Partnering and Financial Support have impact on Alignment of Training and Development with Strategic Goals? Indian Journal of Training and Development, 38(1), 71-77.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). Deriving Training Excellence through Capacity Building Process. Punjab Journal of Business Studies, 3(2), 71-86.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). An Insight into Capacity Building Activities in India. ACRM Journal of Business and Management Research, 3, (1), 29-34.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). Exploring the influence of Partnering, Financial support, Recruitment and Selection Function on Alignment. Management Global Review, 1(1), 1-15.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). Capacity Building Process for Sustainable Organizational Growth. BVIMR Management Edge, 1(2), 12-26.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2008). Development of HRCAP Score GRID. Pratibimba, 8(1), 7-20.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2007). Designing Effective Training Programs through Capacity Building Process. PCTE Journal of Business Management, 4(2), 1-11.
Sripirabaa, B. and Krishnaveni, R. (2007). Efficiency Mapping through Capacity Building Process. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 4(4), 54-67.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2007). Tools for Enhancing Performance of Organizations. Abhigyan, 25(3), 44-53.
Krishnaveni, R. and Sripirabaa, B. (2007). Enhancing the Capacity of Recruitment and Selection activity through HRCAP Score GRID. Fortune Journal of International Management, 4, (2), 19-34.